Cross of Glory Lutheran Church   ELCA
5929 Brooklyn Boulevard                     Phone: 763-533-8602
Brooklyn Center, MN 55429


Each Sunday, we gather for a service rooted in Word + Sacrament, incorporating a variety of musical traditions (including both traditional and contemporary). We welcome you to join us as we gather to hear the Word proclaimed, are fed at God's table, and are sent forth into the world to live God's love!
Sundays at 9:30 AM
Onsite + Online

Worship Onsite
Join us at 9:30 for worship in the sanctuary, and stick around afterwards for a time of fellowship (and coffee!). 

Worship Online
To join our Zoom service via video conference, visit and click on “Join A Meeting” at the top of the page, then enter Meeting ID “802 502 5123." Call the church office if you need the password. 

To join our Zoom service via phone, call 312-626-6799, enter Meeting ID “802 502 5123”, press “#” and when asked for a participant ID, press “#” again. You will join a “conference call” to listen to the service.

Services are also recorded, and can be viewed at anytime throughout the week on our website each week.

There's a place for everyone at God's table...

It's God's table, and we're the guests! So we can't help but make some more room and extend the invite to all.

In Holy Communion, we trust that through bread and wine we share, we receive God's free gift of grace.

And we become what we eat: little Christs, called to be bread for the world.


We are currently celebrating Communion on the first and third Sundays of the month. If you're worshiping online, we invite you to gather bread/crackers and wine/juice and join us in this holy meal. We believe that God draws us together as one body through this sacrament, even across time and space!

There's a place for everyone at God's table...
At Cross of Glory, we practice an open table where all are welcome and invited to share in the gift of Holy Communion. Lutherans call the elements the "means of grace," trusting that through bread and wine, we receive God's free gift of grace. And we become what we eat: little Christs, called to be bread for the world.
During the pandemic, we are celebrating Communion on the first Sunday of the month. If you're worshiping with us in-person, you'll receive an individual "communion kit" upon entry that you'll be invited to partake of during the service. If you're worshiping with us from home, we invite you to gather bread/crackers and wine/juice and join us in this holy meal. We believe that God draws us together as one body through this sacrament, even across time and space!

 Art credit: The Best Supper © Jan Richardson.

There's a place for everyone at God's table...
At Cross of Glory, we practice an open table where all are welcome and invited to share in the gift of Holy Communion. Lutherans call the elements the "means of grace," trusting that through bread and wine, we receive God's free gift of grace. And we become what we eat: little Christs, called to be bread for the world.
During the pandemic, we are celebrating Communion on the first Sunday of the month. If you're worshiping with us in-person, you'll receive an individual "communion kit" upon entry that you'll be invited to partake of during the service. If you're worshiping with us from home, we invite you to gather bread/crackers and wine/juice and join us in this holy meal. We believe that God draws us together as one body through this sacrament, even across time and space!

 Art credit: The Best Supper © Jan Richardson.