Community Ministries
- Wildfire - Cross of Glory is part of Wildfire, a group of 8 ELCA churches in the NW metro area that join together for shared ministry.
- Community Quilters- Quilters from across faith tradition and across the Brooklyn Center area gather at COG on Monday mornings to make beautiful quilts and baby blankets that are all donated to CEAP, our community emergency assistance program.
- Community Gardening - Brooklyn Center community members are welcome to garden in the community garden plots located in the back of the church building (Admiral St. and Ewing St.)
- Mutual Aid - As a community of faith, we continue to grieve the killing of Daunte Wright that took place in our neighborhood in April 2021, and we continue to hold his loved ones in prayer. As we lift up prayer with our mouths, we also work to live out these prayers with our hands and our feet, offering mutual aid to the ongoing needs of our neighbors. To that end, Cross of Glory has joined together with CAPI and other Brooklyn Center community members to form the Brooklyn Center Neighborhood Coalition as we continue to work to reimagine a better Brooklyn Center for us all.
Congregational Ministries
Worship Team, CoG Choir, Handbell Choir, Worship/Music/Arts Committee, Tech Team, Fellowship & Hospitality, Care & Visitation Team, Prayer Chain, Golf League, Justice for All, Building & Grounds, COG Kids Ministry, WELCA, Communion Assistants, Readers, Greeters, Ushers.
Education & Faith Formation
- Bible Study - All are welcome to gather for weekly Bible Study on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am, onsite or online, where we explore the texts for the upcoming Sunday.
- Table Talks - Around a big wooden table in Wittenberg, Germany, Martin Luther, along with friends, strangers, and neighbors, would gather for lively discussions about faith in everyday life. We do the same at “Table Talks,” our monthly education hour following worship on the 4th Sunday of the month.
- Godly Play - On the first Sundays of the month, children and youth are invited to join one of our Kids Ministry Leaders during a portion of our worship service and hear God's story told anew through Godly Play--an engaging, imaginative, questions-based way of learning about God and God's love!